Kate Hives


I wonder if crabs get scared when their body begins to get too big for their shell. Do they worry about what will happen next? Is it painful when they finally crack the seam of their hard exterior and begin the process of crawling out of what has been their protection? Do they feel anxiety as they search for a safe place to hide their soft and vulnerable skin until their body… Read More

It’s time to get out for sunset paddles and kick the leaves underfoot, finish that one last project and shine brightly before the simple stark renewal of winter is upon us.

I’ve been paddling, or trying to paddle, the Cardigan Bay coast in Wales. It has been tough going with weather forecasts haunting my journey. I’ve only been able to make it 40 Nm and have been land bound for 3 of 5 days. I will have to return to finish the coastline. It feels very worthwhile!  These are just a few clips of my Vlog project… Raw, unedited and real. Kayaking is… Read More